New England Highway, Cabarlah QLD 4352 Pro Shop : 07 4696 6396.

Social Golf

Social Golf
All Social Golf may be booked by calling Club Professional Gary Small on Ph. 07 4696 6396.
The Course is generally available for Social play outside Competition times, 7 days a week.
The Pro-Shop is open at 7:15am Weekdays and 6:00am Weekends.
18 HOLES... $25
9 HOLES..... $18
Social Club & Corporate days
9 HOLES..... $18
arranged by calling the Pro-Shop on
Ph. 07 4696 6396
18 HOLES... $25
9 HOLES..... $18
Motorised Carts
18 HOLES... $35
9 HOLES..... $20
18 HOLES... $15
9 HOLES..... $10
18 HOLES... $15
9 HOLES..... $10

Important News
Cabarlah Golf Course will be closed on ANZAC Day the 25 April 2024 until 1.30 pm. This is in accordance with the Qld Govt site for Business Trading hours in indicates that Sporting clubs may open after 1.30pm unless receiving an exemption from the Minister.
Borneo Barracks Induction Video
On entering Borneo Barracks for golf related activities, you acknowledge that you have watched, and understood the video, and agree to abide by these, and other rules laid down in the video or by the club.