Mar 2024










Saturday 2nd March - Round 1 2024 Mens 72 Hole Championship and Single Stroke Comp Results


M Gillespie

Score 67


K Doyle

Score 68


W Aitken

Score 69

C Mason

Score 70

B Northwood

Score 70

G Trussell

Score 70

T Goddard

Score 70

C Reich

Score 71

K Mitchell

Score 71

T Lloyd

Score 71

J Aitken

Score 71

G Barnsley,

Score 71

D Schloss

Score 71

O Hollis

Score 71

Pin Shots

G MacDonald (pro pin)

1st Hole

R Backhouse

5th Hole

T Goddard

10th Hole

C Aitken

14th Hole

W Hoger

17th Hole

Sunday 3rd March - Round 2 2024 Mens 72 Hole Championship and Single Stroke Comp Results

sponsored by P Lamb

Single Stroke

A Grade

B Grade

C Grade




J Borey

Score 67

I Stafford

Score 67

A Rushford

Score 68

Runner up

Runner Up

Runner Up

T Goddard

Score 68

C Boyle

Score 68

S Tully

Score 68

M Gillespie

Score 68

T Rock

Score 69

C Mason

Score 69

L Bishop

Score 70

S Adams

Score 70

D Robinson

Score 70

S Mogg

Score 71

R Polzin

Score 71

B Goulding

Score 71

A Pienaar

Score 71

W Hoger

Score 71

G Lyall

Score 72

J Aitken

Score 72

B Gill

Score 72

R Whittaker

Score 73

Pin Shots

E Rognoni

1st Hole

A Pienaar (pro pin)

5th Hole

T Rock

10th Hole

I Stafford

14th Hole

C Mason

17th Hole

Top 4 standings (Gross) after 2 rounds

A Grade

A Pienaar 74/71 – 145; N Hoger 75/79 – 154; D Stephen 79/76 – 155;  C Aitken 78/78 – 156

B Grade

M Gillespie 78/79 – 157; J Borey 88/79 – 167; G Barnsley 83/86 – 169; C Boyle 90/83 – 173

C Grade

K Mitchell 90/93 – 183; R Polzin 95/89 – 184; B Northwood 90/96 – 186; B Gill 96/91 – 187

Wednesday 6th March - Single Stableford


K Mitchell

Score 35 points


P Hunt

Score 35 points


S Cairns

Score 35

R Weldon

Score 34

M Hancock

Score 34

J Dowling

Score 34

B Marney

Score 34

B May

Score 34

J Scamp

Score 33

, D Robinson

Score 33

L Godden

Score 33

B Sweeney

Score 33

Pin Shots

K Boswell

1st Hole

P Hunt

5th Hole

P Higham

10th Hole


14th Hole

J Lee (pro pin)

17th Hole

Results for  “Monday Niners” Comp Monday 4th March

Winner Div 1

Mary Dwan

Score 21 pts


Helen Walsh

Score 17


Sue McNaught-Ford

Score 16

Maryette Buckley

Score 16

Michele Reimers

Score 14

Pin Shots

Sue McNaught-Ford

14st Hole

Maryette Buckley

17th Hole

Saturday 9th March - Men’s Championship and Single Stroke Comp Results

sponsored by Dom the Painter


D Schloss

Score 68 points


D Stephen

Score 69 points


G Trussell

Score 69 points


B O’Reilly

Score 69

W Hoger

Score 71

J Borey

Score 71

B Gill

Score 71

G James

Score 72

C Hill

Score 72

N Hoger

Score 73

O Hollis

Score 73

S Tully

Score 73

A Rushford

Score 73

W Alston

Score 73

T Lloyd

Score 74

Pin Shots

T Dawson

1st Hole

D Robinson (pro pin)

5th Hole

G Trussell

10th Hole

A Pienaar

14th Hole

A Pienaar

17th Hole

Sunday Single Stroke Monthly Medals – 10 Mar 2024

sponsored by W Aitken
4th Round of Men's Championships

A Grade Monthly Medal

B Grade Monthly Medal

C Grade Monthly Medal




J Aitken

Score 70

C Boyle

Score 70

D Pinidiyapathirage

Score 70

Runner up

Runner Up

Runner Up

M Hancock

Score 71

S Tully

Score 72

T  Dawson

Score 70

G Douglas

Score 72

W Lewer

Score 72

G Edser

Score 73

O Hollis

Score 73

B Northwood

Score 73

A Rushford

Score 74

R Backhouse

Score 74

W Hoger

Score 74

D Schloss

Score 74

G Barnsley

Score 75

J Borey

Score 75

G McDonald

Score 75

** Best Gross score - A Pienaar with 72

Pin Shots

G James

1st Hole

K Doyle

5th Hole

A Rushford (pro pin)

10th Hole

P Higham

14th Hole

A Pienaar

17th Hole

Imperial Bullion Approach
O Hollis

6th Hole

Well after 4 rounds the 2024 Championships have been run and won.

Going into
the final round, all grade titles were still up for grabs. The final weekend threw up some challenges with strong winds and tough course conditions, ensuring it was set up for a close fought battle.

Congratulations to all who took part over the 4 rounds but as always, there can only be 1 winner.

Results are as follows

A Grade
Champion – A Pienaar (making it 4 in a row), Runner Up N Hoger

B Grade
Champion – M Gillespie, Runner Up G Barnsley

C Grade
Champion – B Gill, Runner Up S Tully

Overall Best
Nett is Jason Borey 

Congratulations to our 2024 Champions

From L: A Grade R/Up N Hoger,  C Grade Winner B Gill and R/Up S Tully, B Grade R/UP G Barnsley and Winner M. Gillespie

Results for  Ladies Comp Tuesday  12th March

Single Stableford for Gayle Ward’s Trophy


Janelle Kruse

Score 33


Trish Shannon

Score 33


Pamie Campbell

Score 32

Lorna Bell

Score 32

Petae Frazer

Score 32

Rosemary Farquhar


Judy Beste

Score 32

Pin Shots

Pamie Campbell

Hole 5

Petae Frazer
Div 1
Hole 10

Rosemary Farquhar
Div 2
Hole 7

Wednesday 13th March - Single Stablford


C Hill

Score 40 points


J Dowling

Score 39 points


S Cairns

Score 39

K Boswell

Score 38

B Marney

Score 38

G Gunther

Score 37

D Freyling

Score 37

W Alston

Score 35

J Kruse

Score 34

M Gillespie

Score 34

N McIntyre

Score 34

B Owen

Score 34

C Mason

Score 34

P Hunt

Score 34

Pin Shots

K Doyle (pro pin)

1st Hole

C Mason

5th Hole

K Doyle

10th Hole


14th Hole

K Weigl

17th Hole

Saturday 16th March - Single Stroke


K Doyle

Score 66


K Baldrey

Score 70


W Alston

Score 71

L Garthe

Score 71

M Sorenson

Score 71

B Marney

Score 72

D Coates

Score 72

T Dawson

Score 73

W Lewer

Score 73

J Davies

Score 75

J Loury

Score 75

M Hancock

Score 75

Pin Shots

C Reich

1st Hole


5th Hole

K Doyle (pro pin),

10th Hole

M Hancock

14th Hole

C Hill

17th Hole

Cabarlah has retained the HLO Shield

Hot off the press!!!

Cabarlah has retained the HLO Shield, the third consecutive year, after securing victory at Crows Nest GC

Well done to all those who played, those who won prizes along the way and all those who contributed to the success again this year. Its a massive team effort with 40+ at all three rounds

Thanks to those who helped at each location and Murray from Goombungee who does the heavy lifting for the score keeping etc


Cabarlah 1042 pts

Goombungee 1017 pts

Crows Nest 969 pts

Not one-sided by any stretch. Plenty of putting stories today after experiencing a championship pin location set up at Crows Nest

Overall Men’s winner (after 3 rounds) P Laedwig Goombungee 108 pts

Overall Ladies Winner (after 3 rounds)  – J Kruse 102pts

well done Janelle ⛳️🏌🏅

Round 3 Results at Crows Nest (Cabarlah)

Men’s winner – S Mogg 35pts,  Runner Up – G Barnsley 34 pts

Run down

G Coonan 34 pts, C Mason 34 pts, D Pinidiyapathirage 33 pts, K Doyle 33 pts, E Rognoni 32pts and G Edser 31 pts

Pins/approaches won 

1/10 – G James, 6/15 – K Doyle, 8/17 – L Bishop and 9/18 – J Davies

Can’t wait til next year, congratulations to all once again.

Good golfing

Results for  Ladies Comp Tuesday  19th March

Monthly Medal / Stroke & Putts for Carole Duncan’s Trophy


Janese Lloyd

Score 70


Judy Beste

Score 70


Lotte Pedersen

Score 73

Trish Shannon

Score 74

Petae Frazer

Score 74

Meg Chadwick

Score 75

Janese Lloyd

Monthly Medal winner

Lotte Pedersen

Putting winner 29

Pin Shots

Judy Beste

Hole 5

Rosemary Farquhar
Hole 10

Petae Frazer
Hole 14

Wednesday 20th March - Single Stableford


L Fisher

Score 40 points


B Sweeney

Score 39 points


M Gillespie

Score 39

C Mason

Score 38

J Kropp

Score 36

K Doyle

Score 36

J Scamp

Score 36

D Crothers

Score 36

J Dowling

Score 35

B O’Reilly

Score 34

B Trimper

Score 34

K Kiehne

Score 33

Pin Shots

E Rognoni

1st Hole

K Kiehne (pro pin)

5th Hole

J Scamp

10th Hole

C Mason

14th Hole

P Hunt

17th Hole

Matchplay draw 2024

Saturday 23rd March - Single Stroke


J Di Santo

Score 66


C Reich

Score 69


W Lewer

Score 69

D Robinson

Score 71

K Doyle

Score 71

E Rognoni

Score 72

D Schloss

Score 72

C Stafford

Score 73

J Aitken

Score 73

M Hancock

Score 73

Pin Shots

E Rognoni

1st Hole

J Kropp

5th Hole

E Rognoni

10th Hole

not won (pro pin)

14th Hole

C Mason

17th Hole

Saturday 23rd March - Pennants

Opening round of Men’s Pennants this year has got off to a flyer!!!

Our div 1 team pulled off a great away win in Warwick 4.5/2.5. All matches went down to the wire, big thanks to Warwick for looking after us in the wet weather.

Our senior team at home at cabarlah got up over last year’s winners Warwick 4/1, with some solid wet weather golf played. 2 matches came down to the 18th and 3 others finished with a few to go.

Well done gentleman.


Round 2 is the 7th April with both teams at home. Div 1 v Toowoomba and Seniors v Pittsworth

golf Pennants

Sunday 24th March - Single Stableford


J Davies

Score 36 points


T Lloyd

Score 34 points


D Pinidiyapathirage

Score 33

G Trussell

Score 33

C Reich

Score 31

Pin Shots

W Alston

1st Hole

5th Hole

T Lloyd

10th Hole

14th Hole

T Lloyd

17th Hole

Due to rain and this mornings pennants round at home, a small field braved the conditions to have a round of golf

Saturday 30 March - Easter 2 Person Ambrose


W and N Hoger

Score 63.5 points


W and C Aitken

Score 65.5 points


A Pienaar and J Gardener

Score 65.5

J and M Buckley

Score 67

G McDonald and J Herden

Score 67.25

J Kruse and I Harrison

Score 69.5

Pin Shots

T Rock

1st Hole

B Gill

5th Hole

D Coates

10th Hole

14th Hole

C Reich (pro pin)

17th Hole